- Bunker Hill Community College
tomy & Physiology II
Bio 204 -06
Spring 2025
(This is an in-person hybrid course: January 27th –May16th First meeting February 1st
This class will meet face-
to-face on campus on Saturday 9am -11:30am
You are required
to read the entire course syllabus and you are responsible
for understanding and adhering
to all the course policies.
for this class is a computer with a camera and google chrome
to be used during quizzes and exams. Exams and quizzes taken without the use of a camera will result in a failing grade.
Lecture: Online
Lab: Saturday 9am – 11:30am
*Note Weekly Lab attendance is manda
for virtual meeting:
tor: Annette Busch, Ph.D
E-mail: arbusch@bhcc.mass.edu
(Please allow at least 48 hours
for a follow up communication). When communicating via email you must use your BHCC account and you must include the course title and section in the subject. If you do not follow these two rules, I will not be able
to respond
to you.
Lectures and Labs:
You will use the McGraw-Hill Course Management System, CONNECT,
to complete your activities. The section on “Digital
Tools” explains the technology you need
to use WebEx Training
Prerequisites: Ana
tomy/Physiology I/Lab (BIO203).
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is manda
tory. Missing more than 3 meetings will result in failing the course.
Course Description:
A continuation of Ana
tomy/Physiology I/Lab (BIO203) in both lectures and lab work, this course concentrates on the circula
tory, immune, excre
tory, endocrine, digestive, respira
tory, and reproductive systems. In addition, lectures cover the subjects of fluid regulation and metabolism. The muscular system, as well as the circula
tory, digestive, respira
tory, and urogenital systems
form the basis of the labora
tory program. Course meets: 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. (4 Credits)
Number of credits: 4.0
Course Rationale:
This course will introduce
to the structure and function of several
systems of the human body.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course work,
students will be able
1. Use the ana
tomical position, ana
tomical and directional terminology
to identify and describe the location of the major organs of each system studied
2. Explain the role of organ systems studied and mechanisms in maintaining homeostasis.
3. Identify and describe the major gross and microscopic components of all systems studied.
4. Explain basic physiological processes of all systems studied and describe the interdependency and interactions of each system studied.
5. Describe the effects of homeostatic imbalances on the each of the organ systems studied.
6. Use materials learned in lecture
to successfully complete practical application in lab.
7. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills.
8. Demonstrate results of scientific investigations, analyze data and make conclusions.
The link below provides access
to the ebook Ana
tomy and Physiology; by Kenneth Saladin; 9th edition, McGraw-Hill.
to register
to your section registration link and enter your email
to register.
Section registration link:
Having trouble registering?
Get help:
Course Technology Requirements:
Students will require a reliable computer and fast WiFi or broadband service.
Smartphones and tablets may not give you adequate access
to all aspects of the online course material.
Chromebooks may be available
for loan through the BHCC campus. Please contact Single S
for more in
formation at
In addition, free internet service may be available in your neighborhood.
Exam 1 = 300 points Reading Assignments* = 100 points Virtual Labs = 300
Exam 2 = 300 points Homework * = 100 points
Exam 3 = 300 points
Lab Exam = 200 points
Total: 1100 points 200 points 300 points
Total: 1600 points
* I will drop 2 of the lowest or missed homework and reading assign
The final grade is a percentage determined by dividing the
total number of points obtained by 1600 points. A letter grade is assigned based on the college's grading system:
A 93-100 C 73-76
A- 90-92 C- 70-72
B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69
B 83-86 D 63-66
B- 80-82 D- 60-62
C+ 77-79 F Below 60
The Homework assignments are kinesthetic in nature. YOU have 3 attempts and you can "check your work" (It will not tell you the correct answer, only your wrong answers. You can only use it 2 times per question). During the Homework Assignment, you can also receive “hints” by rolling your cursor over the blank entry box. You can also be referenced/remediated back
to both the written text and the eBook via the “References” and “Related links” hyperlinks at the bot
tom of the page. Only your HIGHEST SCORE will be counted
towards your final grade. There is a due date
for each Homework assignment. NOTE: Assignment due dates will not be extended.
NOTE: I will drop 2 of the lowest or missed quizzes.
I have also included LearnSmart assignments. These assignments accomplish two things. They will not only assess your knowledge, they will serve as a personal “tu
tor.”. It is an artificial intelligence that adapts
to your per
formance (There
fore, you should have READ THE CHAPTER and completed the HOMEWORK first!!!). It will not permit you
to progress from Bloom’s Level 1 (Rote memorization)
to Bloom’s Level 2 (Understanding), unless you have mastered the concepts first. When you struggle with a concept, and miss multiple questions quizzing that concept, you will be given feedback and be directed
to the exact section/page in the text
for review. No credit will be given
to late assignments. NOTE: Assignment due dates will not be extended.
NOTE: I will drop 2 of the lowest or missed Smartbook/Learnsmart/Assignments.
There will be 3 lecture exams based on materials from Chapters covered.
Lecture exam questions will draw from the pool of Practice exam questions, as well as HW, LS, quizzes, chapter power points, and may include materials covered in the virtual labs.
Students are required
to submit the exam by the designated due date. NO credit will be given
for late submissions. There will be a strict time limit when taking exams. Makeup of exams is not allowed. Requirement
for this class is a computer with a camera and google chrome
to be used during exams. Exams taken without the use of a camera will result in a failing grade.
Make sure you are WELL PREPARED, be
fore you attempt them.
Note these are timed assignments.
Practice Lecture Exams:
Students should familiarize themselves with the material posted on the practice exams
to prepare
for their exams.
They will only be available prior
to the scheduled exam date. NOTE: Lecture exam questions will draw from the pool of Practice exam questions, as well as HW, LS, quizzes, chapter power points, and may include materials covered in the virtual labs.
Lab Test:
There will be one lab test based on practice lab exam questions, as well as HW, LS, quizzes, chapter power points, and may include materials covered in the virtual labs and lab assignments.
Students are required
to submit the test by the designated due date. No credit will be given
for late submissions. There will be a strict time limit when taking exams. Requirement
for this class is a computer with a camera and google chrome
to be used during quizzes. Exams taken without the use of a camera will result in a failing grade. Make sure you are WELL PREPARED, be
fore you attempt them. Note these are timed assignments.
Makeup of the lab test is not allowed.
Virtual Lab Activities:
You are required
to complete designated Ana
tomy Dissection and Physiology Virtual Labs. These labs can be found in designated Virtual Lab Folders.
Students are required
to submit virtual labs by due dates. Late assignments will not be accepted. This is a lab science course and there
fore these activities are manda
tory. Missing three virtual lab activities will result in a failing course grade.
Chapter Power Point Slides:
Power points slides are available
to view and study on assigned chapters
tomy and Physiology Revealed (APR):
APR allows access
to short chapter animations, his
tology slides, and dissection material. When you open APR select a module, then select the video, microscope or scalpel icon. Next select all content, then select desired video etc.
Assignments policies:
Students are expected
to complete weekly lecture and lab assignments by due dates. Makeup of exams is not allowed. There are no virtual lab makeups.
Students who miss two virtual lab sessions will receive an F grade
for the course.
Getting Help:
If you are having trouble with the material in this course please ask
for help.
I am available during scheduled office hours, and by appointment.
student support center offers help with academic skills and the
toring center will set up study groups and can provide tu
toring at
No additional cost
to students.
Statement of Reasonable Accommodation
Students with Disabilities:
BHCC welcomes
students with disabilities
to engage in an interactive, collaborative partnership with Disability Services and faculty in order
to meet your educational and academic needs. If you have a disability-related need
for reasonable academic accommodations in this course and have not yet met with a Disability Counselor, please visit
and follow the outlined procedure
to request services.
If Disability Services has
formally approved you
for an academic accommodation in this class, please send me your “Faculty Notice of Academic Accommodations” during the first week of the semester, so that we can address your specific needs as early as possible.
College Policies:
There are important college policies that you should be aware of, such as the add/drop policy; cheating and plagiarism policy, grade appeal procedures; accommodations
for students with disabilities and the diversity vision statement. These policies are all outlined in the current Credit Catalog
What you should do each week.
· 1.
Students should check their BHCC email. I will send out weekly emails with announcements of the week on Mondays (BHCC EMAIL ONLY).
Students are expected
to read and take notes on each chapter in the ebook, according
to the weekly course schedule. Also, through connect;
students have access
to all power points that accompany each chapter in the e-book.
3. Each week
students are
to submit assigned Homeworks and Learn Smart assignments, Quizzes and Virtual Labs.
4. Prior
to lecture exams and lab exam
students are encouraged
to take (as many times as you would like) a practice exam.
Students will take lecture and lab exams. Refer
to weekly schedule.
Week 1 (February 1st):
FOR THE ONLINE CONNECT SITE either go directly
to the link below and pay after registering or buy the book with access code and put the code in after registration
REQUIRED MATERIAL: All of your course work will be completed through two URL/Websites called Connect.
The below link provides access
to the ebook Ana
tomy and Physiology; by Kenneth Saladin; 8th edition, McGraw-Hill.
To register
for the book click on this link and follow the directions:
to register
to your section registration link and enter your email
to register.
Section registration link:
Having trouble registering?
Get help:
You are required
to read the entire course syllabus and you are responsible
for understanding and adhering
to all the course policies.
Week 2 (February 8th): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE February 16th)
CHAPTER 17 ( Endocrine System)
Homework Chapter 17
- Reading Assignment Chapter 17
to the connect site and complete the following virtual labs: Virtual lab 1 Endocrine Lab: Glucose
Virtual lab 2 Endocrine Lab: Thyroid
Week 3 (February 15th): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE February 23rd
CHAPTER 18 (Cardiovascular System: Blood)
- Homework Chapter 18
- Reading Assignment Chapter 18
to the connect site and complete the following virtual labs: Virtual lab 3 Blood Typing
Virtual lab 4 Blood: Hema
Week 4 (February 22nd): All ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE March 2nd
CHAPTER 19 (Cardiovascular System: Heart)
- Homework Chapter 19
- Reading Assignment Chapter 19
Week 5 (March 1st): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE March 9th
CHAPTER 20 (Cardiovascular System: Vessels)
- Homework Chapter 20
- Reading Assignment Chapter 20
to the connect site and complete the following virtual labs:
Virtual lab 5 Blood: Hemoglobin Content
Virtual lab 6 Heart Dissection
Week 6 (March 8th): EXAM 1 (Chapter 17, 18, 19, 20) Due Oc
tober 18th 11:59pm
tober 25th 11:59pm
- Homework Chapter 21
- Reading Assignment Chapter 21
Week 7 March 15th): SPRINGBREAK
Week 8 (March 22nd): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE March 30th
CHAPTER 23 Respira
tory System)
- Homework Chapter 23
- Reading Assignment Chapter 23
Week 9 (March 29th): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE April 5th
CHAPTER 25 (Digestive System)
- Homework Chapter 25
- Reading Assignment Chapter 25
- Go
to the connect site and complete the following virtual labs:
- Virtual lab 9 Digestive System Dissection
- Virtual lab 10 Enzymes and Digestion
Week 10 (April 5th): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE April 13th
CHAPTER 24 (Water and Electrolyte)
- Homework Chapter 24
- Reading Assignment Chapter 24
Week 11 (April 12th): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE April 20th
CHAPTER 23 (Urinary System)
- Homework Chapter 23
- Reading Assignment Chapter 23
to the connect site and complete the following virtual labs:
Virtual lab 11 Urinary System Dissection
Week 12 (April 19th):
EXAM 2 (CHAPTER 21, 22, 25) DUE April 27th
Week 13 (April 26th): ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE May 4th
CHAPTER 27 (Male Reproductive Sytem)
- Homework Chapter 27
- Reading Assignment Chapter 27
Week 14 (May 3rd): Lab Exam (Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25 DUE ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE May 12th
CHAPTER 28 (Female Reproductive Sytem)
- Homework Chapter 28
- Reading Assignment Chapter28
to the connect site and complete the following virtual labs: Virtual lab 12 Male/Female Reproductive System Dissection
Week 15 (May 11th): EXAM 3 Chapter 23, 24, 27, 28